GLAMOUROUS NEWS: 2019 is going “Living Coral”!
Maria MGThis last month of 2018 came with fresh and glamorous news for the beauty industry. Pantone Color Institute, the one and only source of information when it comes to color trends and forecats, chose the next star of the year: Living Coral.
We couldn't be more excited and we've put together your list of shopping at Madam Glam, for you to be among the trendiest in 2019! It's time to get reacquainted with our pinky-peachy, 9 toxin free and vegan gels in coral shades.
Color me Coraly - It's getting hot in here and it's because of you! This fire coral is everything you need for a spicy adventure!
Coral Flirt - Flirty and feminine, here is an adorable coral/salmon pink you'll never get bored of wearing!
My Heart Goes Boom - Are you in love yet? We are! Take a moment and glance at this amazing color. Try it and give them something to talk about!
And to finish your perfect trendy look, match your nails to our Matte Vegan Lipstick, "Liar". Young and bold on its own delicate way, this shade will serve you the world on a platter!
- written by: maria@madamglam.com -