Confessions of A Nail Tech x Deanna
Maria MGClosing this season of 2021 "Confessions of a Nail Tech" with our Nail Artist, Deanna! She started her nail journey when she was 16 and loves to play with her creativity! Let's discover her story and sees what inspires her!

MG: Hi! Please tell us a bit about yourself, so we can get to know you!
I'm Deanna , I’ve been a nail artist for just over 7 years. I love animals and nature. I love creating unique art. I’m a fashion enthusiast and nail competitor.
MG: What made you choose a career in nails?
I had been getting my nails done since 16 and always wanted art. Art wasn’t a thing in my area and nobody was doing art. So I took my certification thinking it would be a part time endeavour. I focused mainly on art and it turned out there were a lot more people like myself looking for more on their nails and I became busy quickly. I also got a thrill from the self esteem boost my clients got from getting their nails done.
MG: What inspired you to start an Instagram Account?
I started one to gain access to a clientele that was around my age. A lot of millennials were flocking off Facebook to Instagram.
MG: What else would you like people to know about what you do?
Nails are my canvas, I hope that when you look at my work it makes you feel something.
MG: If you were to choose between complex hand-painted Nail Art and a regular manicure, what would you pick?
The more complicated the better!
MG: Where do you get your inspiration from?
Oh goodness anywhere and everywhere! Old movies, clothing, nature, my own personal interests really.
MG: What inspires you more when it comes to Nail Aesthetics?
Art of course, I love art sets so I try to attract that type of clientele.
MG: Describe yourself using 3 emojis
MG: Who would be your dream-celebrity client? Why?
Someone that loves crazy stuff, like Lady Gaga.
MG: If you had to do it all over again, what would you change or do differently?
I honestly wouldn’t change a thing! Everyone’s path is different and our special journey is what forms us as individuals with unique style.
MG: How do you hope to see your career grow in the next 3-5 years?
I’d love to learn more. Master some new shapes and techniques. Get more into fashion, film, and print. Do work that really unlocks my creative side.
MG: What advice would you give to an aspiring Nail Artist?
Know that being a nail artist isn’t easy so don't feel discouraged if things don’t always go as planned. Don’t compare yourself to others but at the same time be teachable and know where you need to improve.

💅 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deannastelmaschuk/
💅TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deannastelmaschuk
Madam Glam
💅 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madam_glam/